Spline hastile dividitur in duas genera
I) rectangular spline Shaft
II) involutionem spline hastile.
In rectangular spline hastile in spline hastile est late solebat, dum in involutione spline hastile est usus ad magna onerat et requirit princeps centrum accurate. et maiores. Rectangular spline sagitts sunt plerumque in aircraft, automobiles, tractors, machina instrumentum vestibulum, agriculturae machinery et generalis mechanica transmissione cogitationes. Ob multi-dente operationem rectangularem spline hastile, quod habet princeps afferentem facultatem, bonum neutralitatem et bonum ductu, et vadum dente radix potest facere eius accentus concentration parva. In addition, in robore et hastile et centrum de spline hastile est minus debilitatam, processus est commodius, et superior praecisione potest adeptus a.
Involutae spline sagitts sunt usus ad hospites cum altum onerat, altum centrum accurate et magnis dimensiones. Its characteristics: the tooth profile is involute, and there is radial force on the tooth when it is loaded, which can play the role of automatic centering, so that the force on each tooth is uniform, high strength and long life, the processing technology is the same as that of the gear, and it is easy to obtain high precision and interchangeability