In planetarum reductionem mechanism adhibetur in transmissione parte humilis celeritate et altum torque, praesertim in latus coegi constructione machinatione et rotating pars turrim currusque elit rotatione et fortis transgressio elit.
Planetarium Gears sunt calces partes late in planetarum reductionem. Praesenti, quod requiruntur ad planetarium Gears ut processionaliter sunt alta, quod requiruntur ad calces sonitus excelsus, et Gears non requiritur ad mundare et liberi burgantibus. Primum est materia requisita; the second is that the tooth profile of the gear meets the DIN3962-8 standard, and the tooth profile must not be concave , third, the roundness error and cylindricity error of the gear after grinding are high, and the inner hole surface .There are high roughness requirements. Technical requisitis in Gears